教研科研成果 | 发表 论文 | [1] Li Y, Yuan Y, Cheng N. (2023) Analysis on spatial difference and spillover effect of development resilience index of sports industry: A case study of 285 cities in China. PLOS ONE, 18(12): e0295313.
[2] Chen H, Zhang T, Li Y, Zhao W, Xu W (2024) Relationship and mechanisms between internet use and physical exercise among middle- and younger-aged groups. PLOS ONE 19(7): e0305131.
[3] Peng X, Li Y, Guo C, Peng L, Tan S. (2023). “Risk” or “Opportunity”? The High Sensitivity of Corporate Green Innovation to Environmental Policy Uncertainty: Evidence from China. Sustainability. 15(11):8983.
[4] Yu, C., Kong, S., Yang, H., & Li, Y. (2024). Development of ice and snow tourism destinations in China: ecological security assessment and obstacle degree analysis. Current Issues in Tourism, 1–22.
[5] Yu, C., Liu, M., & Li, Y. (2024). Research Progress on Chinese Traditional Archery: A Visualization Analysis Based on CiteSpace. Revista de Psicología del Deporte (Journal of Sport Psychology), 33(1), 243-257.
[6] 李逸豪,何英.“体医融合”视域下健身气功八段锦的实践价值研究[J].k1体育-十年品牌学报,2020,42(02):85-88.
[7] 李逸豪,唐权威,孙钰凡.“一带一路”背景下武术国际传播策略研究[J].中华武术(研究),2020,(03):71-74.
[8] 唐权威,李逸豪,谢惠玲.八法五步太极拳社区发展现状及推广意义研究[J].武术研究,2020,5(04):65-67.